Nidra, the Sanskrit for "sleep" is a form of beautiful Yogic meditation, exploring radiant rest in a short 'n' sweet amount of time.
Studies have proven that 20-30 minutes of Yoga Nidra meditation can equate to 2-4 hours of sleep! This practice can support the healing of trauma, PTSD, and overcoming injury.
During these audio meditations, you will set clear intentions rewiring your mind with positive affirmations. You will rotate consciousness around your body encouraging each and every cell to relax, followed by breath awareness, the cultivation of opposite sensations in the body, and deep-dive visualisations to uncover the built-up layers and layers of your being.
By exploring and flicking through mental images, sensations thought processes, and internal messages from your body, you are encouraged to ask:
"What am I?"
"Who is observer these experiences?"
"What is watching everything occurring?"
By setting our consciousness back, we begin to learn what we are.