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Pure Flow
Vinyasa_ Twist, Cleanse, Refresh (62:36)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa Special Earth Day Reverence Flow (63:40)
Dynamic Fiery Vinyasa for Joyful Balance, Steadiness + Ease (65:36)
Vinyasa_ Goddess Lakshmi (65:22)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa to Evolve + Cleanse Habits (64:22)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa for Deep Heart Compassion (64:09)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa to find Harmony between the Push + Pull (63:30)
Vinyasa_ Shiva Lord of the Dance (63:19)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa Flow for Empowerment (62:30)
Vinyasa_ Ganesha to Overcome (62:59)
Fiery Dynamic Vinyasa for Deep Heart Openings, Back Strength + Self Love (62:46)
Pure Yin
Healing Yin + Meditation to Replenish Vitality + Cultivate Acceptance through Stability (61:30)
Healing Yin + Meditation to Detox the Stomach + Spleen Meridian (63:29)
Healing Yin + Meditation for Intense Kindness (62:26)
Healing Yin + Meditation for Acceptance, Surrender + Softness (63:26)
Yin_ Seek Discomfort (64:13)
Yin_ Lakshmi Lotus + Meditation (63:47)
Healing Yin + Meditation for the Heart + Small Intestine Meridian (63:00)
Healing Yin + Meditation for Releasing Grief + Stagnant Energy in the Lungs (65:04)
Yin_ Better Brain Health (61:45)
Yin_ Tread Softly (60:18)
Healing Yin + Meditation to Soothe the Lower Back, Hips + Legs (65:38)
Healing Yin + Meditation for Nourishment of the Kidneys (63:52)
Pure Restorative
Restorative_ Rest + Digest (62:10)
Restorative_ Lower Back Lovin' (61:36)
Calming Restorative + Yoga Nidra for Nurturing Imagination (64:07)
Calming Restorative + Yoga Nidra to Savour the Moment (64:44)
Restorative_ Body + Mind Cool Down (65:50)
Winds of the Body) (62:39)
Restorative_ Decompress (62:41)
Restorative Yoga + Yoga Nidra to Celebrate the Beauty + Power of Now (64:21)
Calming Restorative + Yoga Nidra for Peace (64:18)
_BONUS_ Restorative_ Solstice Serenity (63:09)
Healing Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra for Post Partum (89:57)
Restorative Yoga for Service Workers (60:25)
Pure Awareness Meditation Course
Bed Time Wind Down
Deep Luxurious Comforting Yoga Nidra
Instant Calm
Higher Self Santosha
Instant Freshness
Walking Home
Everything Is Helping You
Morning Stimulation
Learning to Surf
Travelling Meditation
Sat Nam _ Truth is my Identity
Work Break Reset
Pure Awareness Meditation Series Guide
Welcome to Pure Awareness (3:39)
Pure Nidra
Hermit as Mentor
What’s Concealed? Journey Through the Koshas
Sunday Fork in the Road
Yin Yang Alchemy
BONUS Healing Retreat Nidra - Full Moon Journey
BONUS Healing Retreat Nidra - The Elements
Breathe Easy: A Course in Pranayama for the Enhancement of Life Force Energy
BONUS_ Pratyhara Bumble Bee Brahmari (30:54)
BONUS_ Kumbhaka + 5 Vayus (30:52)
Chandra Bhedana Cooling Moon Breath (6:06)
BONUS_ Breath Awareness + Sitali (36:39)
Equal Balancing Breath (12:01)
Transformational Vipassana (14:17)
Surya Bedhana Warming Sun Breath (5:55)
Two Bells Coherent Breath (14:03)
Creative Square Box Breath (11:59)
4-7-8 Breath (11:19)
Nadi Shodhana (18:56)
Skull Shining Breath of Fire (15:08)
Ujjayi (18:20)
Dirga Three Part Breath (15:03)
Breathe Easy Supporting PDF Guide
How To Find Your Comfortable Seat (3:32)
Welcome To Breathe Easy (3:49)
The Revival
1.Revive (76:58)
2. Roots (75:35)
3. Give Yourself Permission (77:05)
4. Play More! (75:46)
5. Fear (75:32)
6. Declutter (76:09)
7. Blossom (76:04)
8. Emerge (77:21)
Lunar Restorative Yin + Meditation 6 Week Course
Pacify (80:08)
Healthy Boundaries (80:39)
The Flow State (79:47)
Thrive (76:53)
Transition (78:08)
Agni (75:10)
Second Edition: Lunar Restorative Yin + Meditation 6 Week Course
Self Love Spread (75:47)
Solstice Joy (76:04)
Accomplish (77:13)
Bodhicitta (77:48)
Endurance (77:25)
The Empower Method Monthly Live Activations
Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone (91:15)
Summer Solstice Confidence (89:58)
Fancy an UPGRADE?
Doing Business Through A Yogic Lens
Simplicity (90:48)
Embracing Uncertainty (92:40)
Celebrate Yourself 🎉 (93:59)
Give Yourself A Break! Autumn Equinox Ritual 🍁 (92:34)
Moral Compass (98:54)
Hush Before The Rush for Mummy’s Star Charity (96:41)
Meditation Masterclass (89:40)
⚡️Free Your Fascia (93:15)
Radiant Rest: A Restorative Revolution (90:40)
The Big Chill - Charity Restorative Yoga Session (93:18)
The Art of Balance At Home Retreat
Are you Yin or Yang_ Take the quiz! By Melissa Dolan of Redefine + Thrive
Create your Sanctuary_ How to set up your Sacred Space
Nourishing Lunch Recipe for Ayurvedic Balance by Ellen of Being Change
YinYang Workshop + Yin Essence Breath, Restorative + Meditation Deep Dive Blissful Practice (162:47)
The Art of Balance At Home Virtual Retreat Itinerary
Yang Dynamic Breath, Vinyasa + Meditation Practice (113:09)
Welcome to Pure Awareness
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